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2020 Voter Recommendation Guide

Writer's picture: Erin Wiley SandsErin Wiley Sands

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

The AmERINcan California Voter Recommendation Guide!

Hi, I'm Erin Wiley Sands and every election I do a Voter Recommendation Guide for those of you who have been so busy, you haven't had time to look up the propositions. Well...this year is a bit different to say the least. Given the restraints of the global pandemic we all face, the mounting stress and newfound responsibilities for parents now forced to work and homeschool, this election takes on profound significance. It is in my opinion one of the most consequential elections in modern history, during one of the most challenging times in modern American history. Even people who have not traditionally payed attention to politics have been drawn into the fray with all of the important issues facing Americans and let's face it, all of the divisive rhetoric that is causing unprecedented discord in our nation. This guide is a recommendation on CALIFORNIA MEASURES / PROPOSITIONS.

So a little bit about me, I am a moderate, I love our country and when looking at propositions I tow no party line. I find out what organization or entity introduced the proposition, I consider the cost, the equity to our citizenry, and both the short term and long term benefit. I hope these recommendations are helpful! Godspeed! And Congratulations on participating in one of our most sacred American liberty's...CASTING YOUR VOTE.

PROP 14: Vote YES

Who put it on the ballot?

Signatures via an effort mostly funded by Robert Klein, JDRF International and Open Philanthropy.

What is it?

It dedicates 1.5 billion in stem cell research for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke, epilepsy and other brain and nervous system diseases and conditions. It is funded by bonds and costs taxpayers $5 per person annually. The state will begin paying the bond back in 2026. The cost to taxpayers is low and the possible effect on lives saved is high. I am voting yes.

PROP 15: Vote NO

Who put it on the ballot?

Citizens. Campaign largely funded by the California Teachers Association, SEIU California and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

What is it?

Increases funding for K-12 public schools, community colleges and local government. The state acquires these funds by increasing real estate property tax on commercial and industrial property by basing taxes on current market value instead of purchase price. So here's the thing....California is one of the most expensive states to purchase property. Our only caveat has been that when we buy property, our property taxes are based on the purchase price. So if you bought a home or a commercial property in 1990, you are still paying those same 1990 property taxes, instead of an increased 2020 rate. This measure will disproportionately affect small business owners in a negative way. In a time of a global pandemic, where many small businesses have had to close their doors or are barely making ends meet, this proposition will raise their taxes. WE ALL WANT OUR KIDS TO HAVE THE BEST EDUCATION POSSIBLE. The question is, should it be done on the back of small business owners already struggling to survive? I don't think so. Think about every time you watched one of those HGTV shows that take place in the midwest where some couple buys a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with a yard, for $170K, while we pay over ten times that much for the SAME THING. Nah...we already pay enough. The state must find a better way. I'm voting NO.

PROP 16: Vote YES

Who put it on the ballot?

San Diego Democrat Assemblymember Shirley Weber

What is it?

In 1996 voters passed Proposition 209 ending affirmative action at state institutions. The repercussions were an immediate drop in Black and Latino enrollment at the state’s elite public universities. This proposition would allow state institutions to target disenfranchised groups like young girls who want to have a career in coding, and engineering. Teachers and faculty in schools with a majority minority population so that the kids see themselves represented in positions of leadership. As well as colleges that have increasingly dropped in Black and Latino enrollment after the passage of Prop 209. The people against Prop 16, seem to want to hord opportunities for themselves and deny an equitable platform for marginalized groups who have been historically disenfranchised. I am enthusiastically voting YES.

PROP 17: No Recommendation

Who put it on the ballot?

Sacramento Democrat Assemblymember Kevin McCarty.

What is it?

In 1974, California voters passed a ballot measure giving people who have committed felonies the right to vote once they complete their sentences and are no longer on parole. And it was right and good that we did! After someone has completely paid their debt to society their right to vote should be restored. Prop 17 goes a bit further, it would give those on parole a right to vote while still on parole. Studies illustrate what African Americans have known a long time. There is a disparity in our criminal justice system with African American and Latino citizens often facing harsher sentences than our white counterparts for the same offense. There is also a well documented bias in how black and brown communities are policed. Because of this, I can completely understand a yes vote on this measure. That said, I believe that parole is an important part of the rehabilitative process and I do not believe that voting rights should be restored until it is completed. I am voting NO.

PROP 18: Vote NO

Who put it on the ballot?

San Mateo Democrat Assemblymember Kevin Mullin.

What is it?

This proposition would allow 17 year old United States citizens to vote in a primary and special election as long as they will turn 18 by the subsequent general election. There is something to be said for real life experience. Allowing our children to gain more of that by continuing to honor our 18 year old age requirement is reasonable. I am happy with the voting age being 18 for all elections. I am voting NO.

PROP 19: Vote NO

Who put it on the ballot?

San Mateo Democrat Assemblymember Kevin Mullin, but sponsored by the California Realtors.

What is it?

This one is sneaky and I hate that! On the one hand it permits homeowners who are over 55, severely disabled, or whose homes were destroyed by wildfires to transfer their property tax value to a replacement residence of any value. Which is Awesome! It also increases funding for fighting wildfires, which is essential considering climate change. Where it gets sneaky is that it robs parents/people the full benefit of passing their homes/ inheritance onto their children/family, by forcing a tax reassessment on the person receiving the inheritance, which could mean a huge tax increase. Current laws (Prop 60 & Prop 90) already assists homeowners over 55 as well as those with a disability. Because those protections and assistance are already in place and because of the sneaky way this propositions attempts to profit from those who leave an inheritance for their families/children, I am voting NO.

PROP 20: Vote NO

Who put it on the ballot?

Signatures, via a campaign largely funded by law enforcement agencies.

What is it?

It would reclassify some property crimes as felonies. It would require law enforcement to take DNA samples from folks who commit misdemeanors. It boosts parole penalties. It increases mass incarceration by reducing possibility for parole for property crimes. This proposition doesn't make our streets safer. It does nothing to target recidivism or the disparity in criminal justice and policing. It just increases taxpayer cost for things that don't help our communities. This proposition is a prison spending scam. I am voting NO.

PROP 21: Vote YES

Who put it on the ballot?

Signatures, collected via an effort mostly funded by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.

What is it?

Cities would be allowed to apply new rent control ordinances only to homes that are at least 15 years old. And it exempts single-family homes owned by landlords with no more than two properties. This was actually on the ballot two years ago and we voted it down. This year it's back with a caveat: It protects Mom & Pop homeowners who own under two residences. With the Covid-19 crisis, rising homelessness and California renters paying 70% more than renters in other American states, I believe it's time to give rent control a shot. I am voting YES.

PROP 22: No Recommendation.

Who put it on the ballot?

Signatures, via a campaign mostly funded by Lyft, Uber and Doordash

What is it?

This proposition turns app based workers into independent contractors. Meaning the companies they work for do not have to provide them with benefits or protection. I have lived long enough to be in both positions. A young person taking a quick gig job with no need for insurance, happy to work as an independent contractor. And also a grown woman, who understands the benefit of overtime pay, health care, paid sick leave, unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation, just in case it's needed. What I know to be true is that Uber is lying. They can afford it, and still make a sizeable profit, they just choose not to cut into their profit margin. They instead spend 110 million dollars on legal fees and marketing against workers having benefits. 110 million dollars that could have easily paid for workers benefits. It is greedy and it is disgusting. That said, folks are not stupid. They know what they are signing up for when they sign up to work this hustle. I am voting NO because I hate the wanton greed of these companies. But as I said, I was young and did it too for a season. It is truly an individual decision. And in a Covid-19 reality, even though these greedy companies care more about their profit margin than American workers, they may be supplying a path to income during a challenging time.

PROP 23: Vote YES

Who put it on the ballot?

Signatures, via an effort funded entirely by the Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West

What is it?

This proposition requires dialysis clinics to have at least one physician on site at all times and to report patient infection data to California health officials. It also prohibits clinics from discriminating against patients due to the type of insurance they have. This proposition much like Prop 22 is about workers and corporate greed, accept with this proposition vulnerable patients hang in the balance. Dialysis Centers profit 468 million dollars a year, they can more than accommodate the added fee of having a physician on site. In fact they spent $110 million to defeat these same changes in 2018, which is appalling. Because of the clause preventing insurance discrimination and because I loathe corporate greed, I am voting YES.

PROP 24: Vote YES

Who put it on the ballot?

Signatures, via a campaign funded entirely by Alastair and Celine Mactaggart.

What is it?

In 2018, California lawmakers passed the California Consumer Privacy Act, giving consumers the right to find out what data companies are collecting about them, to opt out of having it collected and to have that data scrubbed. It was — and remains — the only law like it in the country. It was also a compromise. San Francisco real estate developer Alastair MacTaggart had been pushing for an even stricter ballot measure, but the Legislature stepped in, brokering a deal between MacTaggart and the tech industry.

Now MacTaggart is back. Along with setting up a state agency tasked with enforcing state privacy law, the measure would beef up financial penalties for violators and allow consumers to demand that personal information not be shared at all, rather than simply not sold. 

I am voting YES.

PROP 25: Vote NO

Who put it on the ballot?

Signatures, via a campaign largely funded by the bail bond industry.

What is it?

This proposition replaces the money bail system with a system based on a judges determination of public safety and flight risk. It's goal is to supposedly help those with a lower income avoid a prolonged stay in jail before their trial. Which is a noble and good idea. Unfortunately this proposition gives judges the right to determine whether someone who is arrested should be kept behind bars based solely on the judge's assessment of risk.. When people of color depend on a judges bias we usually find ourselves at a disadvantage. This proposition means well but it allows for profiling by a judge who may or may not have a racial bias. And it allows a computer based system with algorithms to make criminal justice decisions. Which again can create more bias against people of color. Frankly I like the idea but I do not trust the methodology. I am voting NO.


President: Joe Biden / Vice President: Kamala Harris

US Congress:

District 27 - Judy Chu

District 28 - Adam Schiff

District 29 - Angelica Dueñas

District 33 - Ted Lieu

District 34 – David Kim

District 37 - Karen Bass

District 43 - Maxine Waters

District 44 - Nanette Barragan

District 45 - Katie Porter

District 47 - Alan Lowenthal

District 50 - Ammar Campa-Najjar

California State Senate:

District 25 - Anthony Portantino

District 27 - Henry Stern

California Assembly:

District 43 - Laura Friedman

District 46 - Adrin Nazarian

District 47 - Eloise Reyes

District 59 - Reggie Jones Sawyer

District 63 - Maria Estrada

District 70 - Patrick O'Donnell

LA County Supervisor:

District 2 - Holly Mitchell

District 5 - Darrell Park

LA County District Attorney:

George Gascón

Superior Court

Office 72 - Steve Morgan

Office 76 - Emily Cole

Office 80 - Klint James McKay

Office 80 - Klint James McKay

Office 97 - Timothy D. Reuben

Office 129 - Bruce Moss

Office 145 - Adan Montalban

Office 150 - Sherri Onica Valle Cole

Office 162 - Caree Annette Harper

LA City Council

District 2 - Paul Kerkorian

District 4 - Nithya Raman

District 10 - Mark Ridley Thomas

District 12 - Loraine Lundquist

District 14 - Kevin De León

Burbank City Council

Nick Schultz

Culver City Council

Khin Khin Gyi

Los Angeles School Board:

Patricia Castellanos, Scott Shmerelson

Los Angeles Community College District:

Trustee #1 – Andra Hoffman

Trustee #3 – Anthony Danna

Trustee #5 – Michelle Manos

Trustee #7 – Mike Fong

Garden Grove School Board – Nick Dibs

Measure J - YES

Los Angeles Measure R “Reform LA Jails” - YES

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